

Monday, July 31, 2017


Full stop
1. Closing sentences
Jack is tired.  He's going home.  

3. in number
2. Abbreviations
Arr. (arrival)                        Dr. (doctor)=
etc. (etcetera)                   Prof. (professor)
Mr.                                         Mrs.


Question mark?
1. Posting question
How are you?

2. A question mark can also be used in brackets to show that the writer is unconvinced by a statement:
I’m about to get started on the new project, which is apparently quite straightforward (?).
Comma ,
1. Using commas in lists
I had a banana, a papaya and an apple.
A shepherd feeds, care, and guards his flock of sheep.  
We took bread, cheese, and fruit with us.
A dog, foxes, and parrot
This last comma—the one between the word "and" and the preceding word which is often called the serial comma or the Oxford comma is optional.

2. Using commas in direct speech
Steve replied, ‘No problem.’
‘I don’t agree,’ I replied
‘Here we are,' they said.

3. Using comma with some conjunction (and, but, or etc.) to connect two independent clauses.
He hit the ball well, but the keeper caught the ball. (Different subject)
Footballers these days earn more money but they are fitter and play many more matches. (Same subject)
The applicant must be able to tell jokes and sing, and she must be able to dance. (Different subject)
They were very friendly and invited us to their village in Ampara(Same subject)
I may consider your plan, or I may disregard it.
4. Using commas to separate clauses
Having had lunch, we went back to work.
After having lunch, we went home.

5. Using comma before and after the names of people you’re talking about
“Good morning, Doctor, can you tell me what’s wrong?
6. Use comma after introductory phrase if the pause in required.
As usual, he asked a  help from her sister.
Of course, we should allow the students to use the computer lab.
Hey, where are you going?

7. Use comma before and after additional information.
 Mahela, the captain, is honoured by the minister.
His friend, the one with curly hair, slapped him.
Rani’s daughter, Sarika, is a teacher.

8. Using commas to mark off parts of a sentence.
His latest film, Enthiran, opens next month.
 Gunpowder is not, of course, a chemical compound.

9. In date and address
May 21, 1987.
130 seylan road, Kalmunai.


1. in contraction
We+are+not=  We're / We aren't
I+do+not= I don't   
We+had= We'd
We+will= We won't  
Who+is= Who's  coming?
Let+is= Let's go.

2. Possessives—Common Nouns

My friend's computer
My puppies' paws  
Principal’s room
The class's team
Children’s bags
My boss's office
The boy’s book is on table.
The boys' books are on the table.
Karl Marx's theory  
Tomorrow's weather will be warmer.

1. We use colons to introduce lists:
There are three main reasons for the success of the team: hard work, teamwork and devotion.
I have many duties in the office; filing, typing letter and sending mails.

2. Use a semicolon to join an item in a list that already includes one or more commas.
He's travelling to Sigiriya, Sri Lanka; Manila, Philippines; Tokyo, Japan.
The shirts were red, white and blue; green, yellow and white; purple, yellow and black.

3. Between two closely related clauses
He couldn't go home; he had no place to go (reason)
I took a taxi; he drove home. (addition)
He didn't want help; he didn't ask for it.  (neg. addition)
I wanted to go late; my friend wanted to go on time.  (contrast)
She owned a car; she didn't know how to drive it. (contrary outcome)
She had to go; she called a friend to pick her up. (result)
We wanted to go Iraq; however, the trip had to be approved the State Department.
We forgot to ask about a visa; consequently, we were not permitted to enter.
We needed to have a security report from near police station; otherwise, we wouldn't go.


1. To introduce list
My duties at Pet shop were: checking in, scheduling, labelling, cleaning up, and billing.
 Many things need to be considered before starting your higher studies: time, related field, expense, and your interest.

2. Use a colon between sentences when the second sentence explains or justifies the first sentence.
Try to keep your flat clean and tidy: it will sell more easily.
I have very little time to learn the language: my new job starts in five weeks.

3. Before a quotation
They shouted: ‘Our families are starving! We need land!’
Kumuthini: I am okay now.

4. Other uses
Chapter 9: section 7

Quotation mark /Inverted comma/speech mark (‘…’ or “…”)

To mark quotation
She said, “Where can we find a nice Indian restaurant?” 
She said: ‘Where can we find a nice Indian restaurant?’
‘Don’t try to do too much when you begin,’ the fitness trainer said.
‘Don’t try to do too much,’ the fitness trainer said, ‘when you begin.

Exclamation mark!
1. To express exclamation

Functions of Exclamation Marks:
1. Exclamatory sentences introduced by how or what.
What an appropriate introduction to china!
· How lovely to be writing to you again!
· How boring!

2. Exclamatory questions.
 Aren’t things different now!

3. Expressions of surprise or shock·
 You can only have showers on week-days after supper, and you have to pay 5 Frances each
time-I couldn’t believe it!

4. Conventional form of wishes and curses
· Good luck to Shani for the exams!
· Happy Birthday!
· Congratulations!
· Damn the Belgian refugees!

5. Urgent warnings or alarms
· Look, Viraji!
· Shoot him! Shoot him!
· The wheelchair woman cried, ‘Not like that!’

6. Interjections
· Oh dear!
· Hi again!
· Oh no!

Here are some other Examples:
· I miss you!
· I’ve not had a permanent job for almost two years now!
· You spendthrift!

1.Use in compound words.

2. Use in Compound adjectives

3. Use in compound verbs


Add comma to the sentence where needed

1.       Careem wants to visit Paris Italy Germany and China.
2.       My favourite colours are blue red and pink.
3.       We can go to the zoo or we can go to the movie theatre.
4.       They like chocolate but they like vanilla better.
5.       Until I reach my goal I will not stop working.
6.       If I get a new job I will be very happy.
7.       If I get a new job I will be very happy.
8.       Rumesh my best friend is going to the mall today.
9.       I am ready for my dad  a hard working man to come home
10.   My favourite colour navy blue is very popular.
11.   He said “We need to lower taxes!”
12.   “If I don’t wake up in time” he whispered “I will be in trouble.”
13.   “Today will be rainy” the weatherman said with a frown.
14.   Yes I would like more water please.
15.   Sorry we do not have enough room.
16.   Well I hope the problem will be solved soon.
17.   However I am very good at math.
18.   I will be sixteen on Tuesday the 6th of July 2015.
19.   I visited Vatican Italy last summer.
20.   Tomorrow will be Sunday December 2.

Use apostrophe and rewrite the sentence

1) This is not the key I was looking for.
2) I want to touch the head of the dog.
3) That is the hat of Jones.
4) I need to go to the market of the town to buy milk.
5) Did you not wash the car of Balaji?
6) This wallet belongs to Thirunthu..
7) This one is nicer than the one that dad has.
8) It is funny when the dog chases its tail.
9) We should not take the car of my father to the beach.
10) She is the best student in the college.
Add exclamation mark to the sentence where needed

1) Can we go now
2) Ouch  I hurt my knee
3) What time is it
4) I am tired
5) Where are we going
6) I am so excited because today is my birthday
7) Good morning everyone.
8) Does anyone know his name
9) Hooray  We are finally free
10) Do you know how to get to 12 street

Fill in the missing colons.
1) I gave you the spray bottles for one reason to clean the windows.
2) You will need the following ingredients milk, sugar, flour, and eggs.
3) John set the alarm clock for 6 00.
4) My father ended every conversation the same way “Don’t give up.”
5) There was only one way he could win he had to cheat
6) Mix the oil and vinegar at a 1 2 ratio.
7) I have invited the following people to my party Kevin, Amy, and Keeley.
8) There is only one way to make it to the top hard work.
9) The soldier shouted the following before leaving to war “We shall return victorious!”
10) Our volley game starts at 7:30.

Use semicolon in the appropriate place.
1) I want to wear the red shirt my favourite colour is red.
2) Janie easily got an A on the test she studies very hard.
3) I hope I get a lot of presents today is my birthday.
4) The war is imminent the armies are ready.
 5) I am really tired however I cannot get to sleep.
6) I am wearing a sweater and a jacket still I am cold.
7) Our mission seemed impossible nevertheless we tried our best to accomplish it.

Use quotation mark/inverted comma in the appropriate place
1) I got an A on my test said Kokila
2) The president said that we should win the war in six months
3) I would like to go with you Jenny said but I don’t have enough money
4) I hate you she screamed and I never want to see you again
5) Tommy told us not to tell his secret said Billy so we didn’t

Can you put in the capital letters, full-stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and speech marks?

morris the martian was flying around the solar system one day when he saw a strange light in front of him
 what is that he thought to himself morris was scared but he flew a little bit closer so that he could see it better

hello he called out there was no reply
hello is anyone there he called but again there was no reply suddenly a creature appeared in front of the light
boo it shouted poor morris was really scared and he flew off home and hid under his bed


1. Capitalise the first person pronoun.
Mary and Iare no longer friends.

2.Capitalise the first word of a sentence
The grammar test was very easy.

Where did you buy your iPad?

3. Capitalise proper nouns

The names of people or characters: The new student is called Kirunika
The names of countries and continents: Everyone knows that China is the largest country in Asia.
The names of towns and cities: My grandparents live in Akkaraipattu.
The names of planets: The Earth is much smaller than Jupiter.
The names of rivers: The longest river in Sri Lanka  is Mahaweli.
The names of lakes: Beira Lake is a lake in the heart of the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The names of streets: I live in Moulana Road.
The names of buildings: Have you ever visited the Sears Tower?
The names of mountains: The highest mountain is Mount Everest.
The names of businesses: I think Apple computers are best.
The names of organisations: My mother works for the United Nations.
The names of sports teams: Do you like the Cricket?
The names of days/months: I was born on 2 April 1999, a Monday.
Note: Seasons are not capitalised. E.g., My favourite season is spring.
The names of holidays / festivals: Which is your favourite holiday: Christmas or Ramazan?
The names of periods of time: Life was hard and short in the Middle Ages.
The names of religions: The most common religion in India is Hinduism.
The names of languages / nationalities: Can you speak Russian?
Note: Languages and nationalities are always capitalised, both when used as nouns and when used as adjectives. (The Sri Lankans are lazy. - I love Sri Lankan string hopper.)

3. Capitalise the first word of direct speech.
My mother asked, "Where have you been?"

4.Capitalise titles that come before names:
I saw President Obama in Macdonalds yesterday.
Have you met Doctor Ranaweera?
 otherwise do not capitalise them:
Barack Obama is the first black president of the USA.

5. Capitalise compass points if they are regions:
Do you like living in the South?

There are many car factories in the Northeast
 but do not capitalise them if they are directions:
I saw a flock of birds heading south.

6. Capitalise building words when they are part of a specific building:
I was born in St Martins Hospital.
otherwise do not capitalise them:
My brother's in hospital after an accident.

7. Capitalise brand names:
Our next car will be a Mercedes.
but do not capitalise the nouns that follow them:
I got an Acer notebook for my birthday.

8. Capitalise geographical features when they refer to a specific feature:
The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water on Earth.
 otherwise do not capitalise them:
Which is the largest ocean?

Capitalise where necessary and rewrite the sentence.
1.       my favourite books are harry potter , madulthuwa and mahabarathem .
2.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.       on sunday, i will see the movie star wars and eat at taco bell.
4.       terry and louis went to central park last july.
5.       she has a friend from london, England.
6.       did you know that William Gopallawa was the first president of Sri Lanka?
7.       i met john at the post office.
8.       susaritha is an old friend of mine.
9.       chinese is difficult to learn.
10.   miss thivya is my teacher.
11.   who was the first woman to win the nobel prize for literature?
12.   he rules his family with a rod of iron.
13.   the flowers were like a carpet of gold.
14.   neither james nor virginia was at home.
15.   the film was neither well-made nor well-acted.
16.   i didn’t sing because pamela was there.

Capitalise and rewrite the paragraph
i have the coolest book called encyclopaedia of the world. it shows pictures of africans, asians, animals, and architecture. it explains how the coliseum in greece was built and why the leaning tower of pisa leans. my dad likes reading about the war of the roses and the russian revolution. it also explains about different groups of people, like catholics, protestants, and jews. Also included is information about zoos, including the san diego zoo.



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